Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Russell Wilson announces heartbreaking news

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Russell Wilson shared heartbreaking news on social media Thursday afternoon. Wilson announced the passing of his dog, Prince, who was 12 years old. Prince was a Great Dane and overcame cancer twice, Wilson revealed in a statement.

““Prince” 12 years ago you came into my life. I got you my rookie year & you have been a blessing to our family with so many memories, hugs and kisses from our 4 kids and us. You will forever be a part of us. Today was a hard day. But you overcame cancer 2x and lived 12 years when most live 6. Heaven got a good one! Forever the Prince of Peace. Love you,” Wilson wrote.

Prince came into Wilson’s life during his rookie season with the Seattle Seahawks, and has seen the ups and downs of Wilson’s journey since that moment. Wilson says he has three Great Danes and a senior Malti-poo. In 2022, he added a puppy to his family named Bronco as a gift to his wife, singer Ciara.